Thursday 11 April 2013

Titanic Game

James Cameron’s Titanic – Game

Who is the average Titanic fan?

People who read romance novels and desire the perfect love

30 -50 predominantly female

What typifies the romance genre?

Story of lovers that cannot be kept apart and their love triumphs all obstacles and persists through death

What style/genre of game?

Role Play/adventure/sims

What platform will you develop for?

Facebook   (possible Expansion pack for sims)

Basic Game Play ideas

Select avatar – male/female    all players start out poor

Read about the launching of the Titanic and need to buy a ticket

Interaction with network friends similar to sims, talking trading

Generate income based on mini games and social network – competitive game with your network friends that reward increased income

The amount of income generated can elevate your status from poor – working class – middle class – well to do – independently wealthy – obscenely rich

They buy a ticket and start to buy wardrobe and luggage

They enter ship and get a bare room that they can fill with items; friends can visit your room

You can invite your friends to parties and competitions

Micro transaction available for those that want to buy special outfits/vanity items

Casino, restaurant, ballroom, pool, sports all can generate income and special rare loots

Must also buy and use perfume/cologne to help attract your “perfect love”

Your perfect love can be one of your network friends, a total network stranger, or last possibly NPC

You continue to earn and work your way up the social ladder and move up rooms 

Boat never hits the iceberg

Original Post Feb 14th 2012

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